Found 357 names begin with 'A' for Boys. | ||
# | Name | Meaning |
1 | Aaban | Name of the Angel |
2 | Aabid | Worshiper |
3 | Aadil | Just, Upright |
4 | Aahil | Prince |
5 | Aalam | World |
6 | Aalee | Sublime, high |
7 | Aalim | Religious Scholar |
8 | Aamil | Doer, Work man |
9 | Aamir | Civilised |
10 | Aaqib | Follower |
11 | Aaqil | Intelligent |
12 | Aarif | Knowing, aware |
13 | Aariz | Respectable man |
14 | Aaryan | Of Utmost strength |
15 | Aashif | Bold, courageous |
16 | Aashir | Living |
17 | Aasif | An able minister |
18 | Aasim | Person who keeps away from sins |
19 | Aatif | Kind Affectionate |
20 | Aaus | Name of a tree |
21 | Aayan | God's gift |
22 | Aazim | Determined |
23 | Abaan | Old Arabic name |
24 | Abbas | Gloomy look |
25 | Abd Al-Ala | Slave of the High |
26 | Abdul Aalee | Servant of the Most High |
27 | Abdul Adl | Slave of the just |
28 | Abdul Afuw | Slave of the one who pardons |
29 | Abdul Ahad | Slave of he who is one (Allah) |
30 | Abdul Aleem | Servant of the Omniscient |
31 | Abdul Alim | Slave of the All knowing |
32 | Abdul Awwal | Slave of the First One |
33 | Abdul Azeez | The servant of the most powerful |
34 | Abdul Azim | Slave of the great |
35 | Abdul Aziz | Servant of the powerful one |
36 | Abdul Baari | Servant of the Creator |
37 | Abdul Baasit | Servant of the Extender and Creator |
38 | Abdul Badee | Slave of the originator |
39 | Abdul Baith | Slave of the one who raises death |
40 | Abdul Baqi | Slave of the Eternal |
41 | Abdul Bari | Slave of the creator |
42 | Abdul Baseer | Slave of the All-seeing |
43 | Abdul Batin | Slave of the unseen |
44 | Abdul Fattah | Slave of the opener, slave of the giver of victory |
45 | Abdul Ghafaar | Servant of the Forgiver |
46 | Abdul Ghafoor | Servant of the Forgiver |
47 | Abdul Hafeez | Slave of the Protector |
48 | Abdul Hafiz | Slave of the Guardian |
49 | Abdul Hakam | Servant of the Arbitrator |
50 | Abdul Hakeem | Servant of the Wise |
51 | Abdul Haleem | Servant of the Mild and Patient |
52 | Abdul Halim | Slave of the Wise |
53 | Abdul Hameed | Servant of the Praiseworthy and the Ever-Praised |
54 | Abdul Hamid | Slave of the Praiseworthy |
55 | Abdul Hannan | Slave of the Merciful |
56 | Abdul Haq | Servant of the Truth |
57 | Abdul Haseeb | Servant of the Respected and Esteemed |
58 | Abdul Hasib | Slave of the Reckoner |
59 | Abdul Hayy | Slave of the Living |
60 | Abdul Jabaar | Servant of the Mighty |
61 | Abdul Jaleel | Servant of the Great and Revered |
62 | Abdul Jawwad | Slave of the Bountiful |
63 | Abdul Kabir | Slave of the Great |
64 | Abdul Kareem | Servant of the Noble and Generous |
65 | Abdul Karim | Slave of the Gracious |
66 | Abdul Khabir | Slave of the one who is aware |
67 | Abdul Lateef | Servant of the Kind |
68 | Abdul Maajid | Slave of the Excellence |
69 | Abdul Maalik | Slave of the Master, the Lord |
70 | Abdul Majeed | Servant of the Glorious |
71 | Abdul Mani | Slave of one who prevents |
72 | Abdul Mannan | Slave of the Benefactor |
73 | Abdul Mateen | Slave of the Firm |
74 | Abdul Mubdee | Slave of the Originator |
75 | Abdul Mueed | Slave of the Restorer, the Reproducer |
76 | Abdul Muhaimin | Servant of the Supervising, the Guardian and the Protector |
77 | Abdul Muhaymin | Slave of the Protector |
78 | Abdul Muhsin | Slave of the Benefactor |
79 | Abdul Muhyee | Slave of the one who gives life and sustains it |
80 | Abdul Muiz | Servant of the Giver of Might and Glory |
81 | Abdul Mujeeb | Servant of the Responder |
82 | Abdul Munim | Slave of the Generous |
83 | Abdul Muntaqim | Slave of him who punishes wrongdoings and seizes retribution |
84 | Abdul Muqeet | Slave of the Sustainer |
85 | Abdul Muqsit | Slave of the Just |
86 | Abdul Musawwir | Slave of the Fashioner |
87 | Abdul Mutaal | Servant of the Most High |
88 | Abdul Muti | Slave of the Giver |
89 | Abdul Muzanni | He was a narrator of Hadith |
90 | Abdul Nafi | Slave of the Propitious |
91 | Abdul Naseer | Slave of the Helper |
92 | Abdul Noor | Slave of the one who is Light |
93 | Abdul Qaadir | Servant of the Capable |
94 | Abdul Qadeer | Slave of the Powerful |
95 | Abdul Qadir | Slave of the Powerful |
96 | Abdul Qahaar | Servant of the Subduer and the Almighty |
97 | Abdul Qayyum | Slave of the Self-Subsistent |
98 | Abdul Qudoos | Servant of the Most Holy |
99 | Abdul Raafi | Servant of the One Who Raises (intellect, esteem), One who Elevates |
100 | Abdul Rabb | Slave of the Lord |
101 | Abdul Rafi | Slave of the Exalter |
102 | Abdul Raheem | Servant of the Most Compassionate |
103 | Abdul Rahim | Slave of the Compassionate |
104 | Abdul Rahman | Servant of the merciful one |
105 | Abdul Raqib | Slave of the Vigilant |
106 | Abdul Rauf | Servent of the merciful |
107 | Abdul Tawwab | Slave of the Acceptor of repentance, the relenting |
108 | Abdul Waali | Slave of the Governor |
109 | Abdul Wahid | Slave of the Unique |
110 | Abdul Wajid | Slave of the Finder, the Perceiver |
111 | Abdul Wakil | Slave of the Trustee |
112 | Abdul Waliy | Slave of the Protecting Friend |
113 | Abdul Wasi | Slave of the All Embracing |
114 | Abdul-Aalee | Servant of the Most High |
115 | Abdul-Adheem | Servant of the Most Great |
116 | Abdul-Aleem | Servant of the All-Knowing |
117 | Abdul-Baaqi | Servant of the Everlasting |
118 | Abdul-Baari | Servant of the Evolver |
119 | Abdul-Baasit | Servant of the Expander |
120 | Abdul-Barr | Servant of the source of Goodness |
121 | Abdul-Dhahir | Servant of the Manifest |
122 | Abdul-Ghaffar | Servant of the forgiver |
123 | Abdul-Ghafur | Servant of the All-Forgiving |
124 | Abdul-Ghani | Servant of the Self-Sufficient |
125 | Abdul-Hadi | Servant of the Guide |
126 | Abdul-Hafeedh | Servant of the Preserver |
127 | Abdul-Hakeem | Servant of the Wise |
128 | Abdul-Haleem | Servant of the Forbearing One |
129 | Abdul-Hameed | Servant of the Praiseworthy |
130 | Abdul-Haqq | Servant of the Truth |
131 | Abdul-Haseeb | Servant of the Reckoner |
132 | Abdul-Jabbar | Servant of the Compeller |
133 | Abdul-Jaleel | Servant of the Sublime One |
134 | Abdul-Kareem | Servant of the Most Generous |
135 | Abdul-Khaliq | Servant of the Creator |
136 | Abdul-Lateef | Servant of the Subtle One |
137 | Abdul-Majeed | Servant of the Most Glorious |
138 | Abdul-Majid | Servant of the Noble |
139 | Abdul-Malik | Servant of the Sovereign Lord |
140 | Abdul-Mu'eid | Servant of the Restorer |
141 | Abdul-Mu'izz | Servant of the Honourer |
142 | Abdul-Mughni | Servant of the Enricher |
143 | Abdul-Mujeeb | Servant of the Responsive |
144 | Abdul-Mumin | Servant of the Guardian of Faith |
145 | Abdul-Muqtadir | Servant of the Powerful |
146 | Abdul-Muta'alee | Servant of the Most Exalted |
147 | Abdul-Nur | Servant of the Light |
148 | Abdul-Qaadir | Servant of the Able |
149 | Abdul-Qahhar | Servant of the Subduer |
150 | Abdul-Qaiyoum | Servant of the Self-Sustaining |
151 | Abdul-Quddus | Servant of the Holy |
152 | Abdul-Rasheed | Servant of the rightly guided |
153 | Abdul-Rashid | Servant of the rightly guided |
154 | Abdul-Waajid | Servant of the Finder |
155 | Abdul-Wadood | Servant of the Loving |
156 | Abdul-Wahhab | Servant of the Best-ower |
157 | Abdul-Warith | Servant of the Supreme Inheritor |
158 | Abdullah | Servant of Allah |
159 | Abdur Rahman | Slave of Allah |
160 | Abdur Rashid | Slave of the Guide |
161 | Abdur Razzaq | Slave of the provider; |
162 | Abdur-Raheem | Servant of the Most Merciful |
163 | Abdur-Rahman | Servant of the Most Gracious |
164 | Abdur-Raqeeb | Servant of the Watchful |
165 | Abdur-Rasheed | Servant of the Guide to Right Path |
166 | Abdur-Rauf | Servant of the Compassionate |
167 | Abdur-Razzaq | Servant of the Provider |
168 | Abdus | Name of the narrator of one of the hadith |
169 | Abdus Sabur | Slave of the Forbearing |
170 | Abdus Salaam | Slave of the Giver of Peace |
171 | Abdus Samad | Slave of the Eternal, The Independent |
172 | Abdus Sami | Slave of the All Hearing |
173 | Abdus Sattar | Slave of the one who conceals faults |
174 | Abdus Shafi | Slave of the Healer |
175 | Abdus Subbooh | Slave of the Extremely pure |
176 | Abdus-Sabour | Servant of the Patient |
177 | Abdus-Salaam | Servant of the Source of Peace |
178 | Abdus-Samad | Servant of the Eternal |
179 | Abdus-Sameei | Servant of the All-Hearing |
180 | Abdus-Shaheed | Servant of the Witness |
181 | Abdus-Shakur | Servant of the Appreciative |
182 | Abdush Shahid | Slave of the Witness |
183 | Abid | Worshipper |
184 | Abisali | Warrior in Islam |
185 | Abrad | Hail, Mail |
186 | Abrar | Peity |
187 | Abrash | Spotted, Speckled |
188 | Absi | Probably from ABASA to frown; this was the name of Abdullah ibn-Musa, a scholar and reciter of the Quran, died 828/829 |
189 | Abt'hi | One who lives in Abtah, a place near Makkah |
190 | Abul-Hassan | The Son Of Ali |
191 | Abyad | A narrator of hadith was so named |
192 | Abyan | Elequent |
193 | Abzari | Seeds, spice, seedsman, one who sows; the Persian scribe and memoriser of tradition, Abu-Ishaq Ibrahim had this name |
194 | Adam | A Prophet's Name |
195 | Adawi | Grandson of Sayyindina Umer |
196 | Adbul-Qawi | Servant of the Most Powerful |
197 | Adeeb | A literary Person |
198 | Adeel | Just |
199 | Adeem | Rare |
200 | Adel | Honorable Judge, One who Jugdes Fairly |
201 | Adham | Black |
202 | Adheem | The most great |
203 | Adib | Cultured |
204 | Adil | Just, Honest |
205 | Adiy | A companion of the Prophet; also the name of the son of Hatim Tiay known for his generosity; also the son of Thabit had this name |
206 | Adl | Justice |
207 | Adnan | A tribal ancestor of the Quraysh, the Prophet (S.A.W) was from this tribe; there were other noted men too later in history who had this name; for instance, word bin Hakim, a scholar of Basrah |
208 | Aduz Zahir | Slave of the Manifest |
209 | Adyan | A nabee was named by this name |
210 | Afaaq | The place where Earth & Sky meet |
211 | Afeef | Pure, Chaste, Pious |
212 | Affan | Forgiving person |
213 | Afham | Loving |
214 | Afif | Chaste, Modest |
215 | Afiq | Honest |
216 | Aflah | Gaining success-but the Prophet (S.A.W) has discouraged us from giving such names to our children; according to Sayyidina Jab (R.A), The Prophet (S.A.W) intended to forbid such names as Yala, Barakah, |
217 | Afraz | Standing tall like a mountain,ability to withstand all that is thrushed upon it |
218 | Afruz | Standing tall like a mountain, ability to withstand all that is thrushed upon it |
219 | Aftaab | Bright, prosperous, the sun |
220 | Aftab | Sun |
221 | Afzal | Best, top most |
222 | Agharr | Hansome, beautiful, distinguished illustrious, noble, Magnanimous. Name of a companion of the Prophet, bin al-Muzan |
223 | Ahab | Strong |
224 | Ahad | The one |
225 | Ahmad | Most highly adored |
226 | Ahmar | Red Coloured |
227 | Ahnaf | Name of one of the narrators of hadith |
228 | Ahsan | The best of all |
229 | Ahwas | Having narrow, contracted or squinting eyes |
230 | Ahyan | Gift of God |
231 | Ahzab | Name of one of the narrators of Hadith |
232 | Aidan | Help, intelligent |
233 | Aidh | Name of a reciter of the Holy Quran |
234 | Aijaz | Blessing |
235 | Aiman | Fearless |
236 | Aizat | Sweetness |
237 | Ajer | Reward |
238 | Ajlah | A narrator of hadith had this name |
239 | Ajmal | Beautiful |
240 | Akbar | Great |
241 | Akdas | Most holy book |
242 | Akeem | Wise |
243 | Akhas | A narrator of hadith |
244 | Akhdan | Best Friend |
245 | Akhfash | There have been several men of this name; there were grammarians of this name in the 8th / 9th century |
246 | Akhlaq | Behavion |
247 | Akhtar | A Star, good man |
248 | Akif | Attached, Intent |
249 | Akmal | Lion |
250 | Akram | More Generous |
251 | Ali | Noble, sublime, fourth Caliph of Islam |
252 | Alman | Kind, willing and wiseman |
253 | Almir | Prince |
254 | Altamash | Name of a famous king |
255 | Amaan | The most lovelable |
256 | Amaar | One who prays 5 times and fasts |
257 | Amam | Safety, Protection |
258 | Amayr | Crown |
259 | Ameer | Commander, Prince, Khalifah |
260 | Amer | Rich |
261 | Amin | Faithful, trustworthy, custodian |
262 | Amir | Prosperous |
263 | Amjad | More glorious, more illustrious |
264 | Ammaar | One with strong Imaan. Also a Sahabi , one of the early muslims, son of Yasir and Sumaya Rad |
265 | Ammar | Long of age |
266 | Amr | "By my life" |
267 | Anas | Love, affection |
268 | Anasah | The freed slave of the Prophet had this name |
269 | Aneeq | Valueable |
270 | Anees | Intimate, friendly |
271 | Aniq | Elegant |
272 | Anis | Close friend, companion |
273 | Anjam | Stars |
274 | Ansar | The first people who converted to the religion of Islam were the people of Ansar |
275 | Antarah | This was the name of the freed slave of Sulaym |
276 | Anwaar | Light, glow, gleam |
277 | Anwar | More radiant |
278 | Anzar | Angel of paradise |
279 | Aqdas | Holy, pure |
280 | Aqeel | Wise, Intelligent |
281 | Aqeil | Knowledgable |
282 | Arbaaz | Eagle |
283 | Arbab | Who looks after someone or takes care |
284 | Areeb | Skillful, Adroit |
285 | Areez | Friend |
286 | Arfan | Gratefulness |
287 | Arham | Merciful |
288 | Arif | Acquainted, knowledgeable |
289 | Arish | A brave soldier |
290 | Armaan | Desire, hope |
291 | Arman | Army man |
292 | Arqam | Pen, Speckled snake; |
293 | Arsal | The one who was sent |
294 | Arsalaan | Lion |
295 | Arsh | Dominion , Crown |
296 | Arshad | Better guided, honest |
297 | Arshaq | Handsome, well proportioned |
298 | Arslan | Lion |
299 | Artah | A narrator of the hadith |
300 | Aryan | Of utmost strength |
301 | As'ad | Happier |
302 | Asad | Lion |
303 | Asar | Fourth Prayer of the day |
304 | Asbagh | Coloured animal, huge flood, dyer |
305 | Asbat | A narrator of hadith |
306 | Aseed | A narrator of Hadeeth |
307 | Asfar | The morning's light |
308 | Asgar | Devoted |
309 | Asghar | Shorter, Smaller, Junior |
310 | Asha'ath | Scattered, Spread about, humble |
311 | Ashar | One who has wisdom |
312 | Ashaz | One in a million, name of a sahabi during the time of prophet |
313 | Asher | Wise, knowledgable |
314 | Ashfaq | Compassionate friend |
315 | Ashik | Lover, Love |
316 | Ashim | Generous |
317 | Ashmaan | Heaven |
318 | Ashmath | Correct path, Straight path |
319 | Ashraf | Honorable |
320 | Asim | Protector |
321 | Aslam | Peace |
322 | Asrar | Secret/Sacred relating to Islam |
323 | Ata | Gift, Present |
324 | Ataubaq | Handsome, beautiful, helpful, generous and got a lot of love to share |
325 | Ateeb | Very pious |
326 | Athar | Neat, Clean |
327 | Athazaz | Unknown, Mystery, Maze |
328 | Athier | Lion hearted |
329 | Atif | United, Joined, Together |
330 | Atik | The black cloth of the kaaba |
331 | Atiq | Ancient, Noble |
332 | Attiq | Old |
333 | Awad | Reward, Compensation |
334 | Awf | Guest, fragrance, lion; |
335 | Awn | To help, assist |
336 | Aws | To give |
337 | Ayaan | God's gift |
338 | Ayaaz | Slave |
339 | Ayaz | A sincere slave of mehmood the king once upon a time |
340 | Aybak | Ibn-Aybak was a leading historian |
341 | Aydin | Brilliant, Enlightened, Intelligent, Light of the moon |
342 | Aymaan | Lucky |
343 | Ayman | Right Hand |
344 | Ayub | A prophet of Allah (swt) |
345 | Ayyash | Bread seller |
346 | Ayyub | Ayyub was a Prophet of Allah known for his patience in the face of severity and hardship. There have been other noted men by this name, for instance Ibn Tamim was a reciter of the Quran, Al-Sakhtiyani |
347 | Azaan | Call for the prayer |
348 | Azad | Freedom |
349 | Azeem | Great, greater |
350 | Azfer | Leader |
351 | Azhar | Famous |
352 | Azim | Greatest |
353 | Azlan | Lion |
354 | Azmat | Respect, honor |
355 | Azraq | Blue, name of a companion of the Prophet |
356 | Azraqi | He was an authority on the history and geography of Makkah |
357 | Azzam | Determined, resolved |
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