Faisal : Oh my GOD , Abdullah is that you man!!! whats wrong ?
you've become mullah and why have you grown a beard ?
Abdulllah : bother it is just that our prophet (pbuh) commanded us to grow a beard.
Faisal : you are brainwashed , tell me where in the quran does it say ?
Abdullah : It says many times in quran "Obey Allah and Obey his messenger"
Faisal : I fear you are becoming extremist
Abdullah : islam means to submit your will to GOD, if practicing it 100% is extremism then thats what our beloved prophet (pbuh) did.
Faisal : I mean there should be a balance between deen and dunya, you should get education which islam commands to do.
Abdullah :I agree but i have completed 16 years of worldly education but i don't even have one year of religious education.
Faisal : Most of the madressa's and religious schools teach extremism and develop terrorist
Abdullah :Can you name any 5 madressa or religious schools ?
Faisal : I really don't know , but why are you asking ?
Abdullah : You don't even know the names then how can you comment on them so confidently ?
Faisal : Recently i heard news of violence in one madressa, rest are same.
Abdullah : You mean due to the firing incident in virginia tech is it fair to say that all western universities are the same ?
Faisal : There is no compulsion in religion then why you people preach others ?
Abdullah : This verse of quran in only for non-muslims, its another misconception.
Faisal :Every one is responsible for own deeds ok
Abdullah :its mentioned 9 times in quran to "enjoin what is good and forbid what is wrong"
Faisal : Stop doing dawah to me now
Abdullah : Quran says "The most successful group of people are those who invite others to right and stop them from wrong"
Faisal : but you cant use force.
Abdullah : A hadith says "If you have authority stop evil with your hand, if not then use your tongue & if you cant do that then at least consider it bad in your heart"
Faisal : Please try not to teach me islam, i know very well and can solve my problems.
Abdullah : Why then do you go to a doctor when your child is seriously ill and take multiple opinions ? why cant you solve that as well ?
Faisal : We are living in 21st century , you are thinking backwards,
my wife is a working women and has done MBA
Abdullah : Women are used as marketing tools in organizations to trap customers and increase sales.
Faisal : What non-sense they are equal opportunity employers
Abdullah : But why then all receptionists are females ?
Faisal :Look at USA they have given freedom to women not us
Abdullah : 90% of females in USA have lost virginity before even passing school, is this freedom or degradation ?
Faisal : Why do we oppress women by keeping them behind bars of hijab ?
Abdullah : Do you mean our beloved prophet (pbuh) wives were oppressed because they covered as commanded in surah-ahzab ?
Faisal : That was a different time 1400 years back
Abdullah : Quran is for entire humanity and science is proving the verses today. its the most modern book dear.
Faisal : I am going ,i fear you will blow me up. take care
Abdullah : You are hiding your secularism by mixing me with those who are a small *misguided minority.*
NOTE: The conversation is not a REAL story but the aforementioned exchange of arguments are very common.
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